Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in Memory Online Certification
Become a World Class Buzan Trainer in Memory
Your certification process has three phases: Before, during and after. At the end of the second phase (during), you'll be certified as a Senior or Master licensed instructor in Memory. Throughout the third phase, our world-renowned faculty of experts will guide and mentor you for becoming a World-Class Buzan instructor in Memory.
Your certification process for attaining your certification as a licensed trainer in Memory
Live Session 1.1: What is Memory, why it's important and what is the memory performance on average
Memory: the most important function in your brain
Intro to the chapter
Live session 1 .2: MIG 1 and MIG 2
The most important graph in the World
The Mind Map laws
Assignment: Creating a Mind Map from the attached video
How to craft presentations using the MIG-1 principles
Presentations 3.0 framework
Intro to taking notes for maximizing recall
The note-taking method using Mind Maps for maximizing recall
Live session 2.1 - MIG-1 and MIG-2 formulas and Intelligent Memory
Live session 2.2 - TEFCAS and skill acquisition
Naive vs deliberate practice
How procedural memory could jointly work with working memory?
Assignment: Mind Map on how you're planning to teach memory
Live session 3 - Part 1: Working Memory and Skill Acquisition
How Mind Maps propel Working Memory
Access to our LMS platform for learning Memory processes and techniques for building an intelligent memory that allows students to excel in creativity and problem-solving.
Six live sessions (12 hours) with Grandmaster trainer - Sessions are recorded and posted on the LMS platform for further review
Access to trainers's membership platform, in the memory field, upon graduation
Upgrading of trainer's curriculum reflecting the new specialization in memory and level (senior or master trainer)in and
Certification as a Senior or Master Trainer and corresponding diploma
Participation as online tutor in Memory (by designation and subject to availability) in TBG programs
The Buzan licensed certification as a trainer in Memory has global validity so you could teach Memory practitioner courses around the world.
You’ll have access to the training content so you could deliver your courses using PowerPoint presentations and related materials. Moreover, the package for certifying customers as accredited practitioners includes a personalized certificate and optionally the iMindMap Ultimate software (version 11). The certification package costs $50.00 and has to be purchased in bundles of 10 units. If you want to include the software, the package costs $100.00. This is an attractive option since the price of the software alone amounts to $230 dollars per license.
The instructor certification allows you to deliver in-person Memory courses to external or internal customers and accredit participants as certified practitioners. Additionally, you could also provide consulting services accredited by the Tony Buzan Group.
We have different mechanisms for supporting your lead generation efforts: You'll be listed, as a senior or master trainer, with your CV and location on the Tony Buzan website so users can find you and get in contact for training. You'll also have the ability to put your schedule of training courses on the Tony Buzan website with links to your website or sales page. Likewise, we'll provide referrals to instructors based on queries that come to the company. Moreover, you'll have the opportunity to place articles and even advertisements on the TB website to attract business.
Buzan US and TBG need trainers, tutors, and consultants for their projects—mainly tutoring for online courses and consulting services. Therefore, based on geography, specialization and the instructors' internal rating system (based on customer feedback) we’ll assign projects to you and your peers.
Each accredited course given by you will provide an electronic feedback form (link) for customers to fill out at the end of the training. This system will not be published and/or shared with any other party aside from the instructor. The system will allow us to identify quality gaps and support instructors in improving their course delivery. Our objective is for you to become a world-class instructor who enables our vision: Creating a Mentally Literate World.