Buzan Advanced Certification in Mind Mapping
Including our award winning Personal Strategic Alignment Workshop
Global certification as Advanced Practitioner in Mind Mapping.
Access (7x24) to our LMS platform for learning the Mind Mapping methodologies and applications, through 80 content blocks, which could be accessed 7x24 during one year.
Personalized feedback and guidance provided by the assigned Buzan tutor on Mind Mapping and its key applications.
Our award-winning Personal Strategic Alignment bootcamp, where you'll learn a world-class process for discovering your life purpose and formulating the goals, strategies and action plans to make your purpose a reality.
One license of the iMindMap Ultimate V11 software in perpetuity, for creating computer-based Mind Maps that comply with the Buzan laws and syntax.
One-year membership in the community of Buzan advanced practitioners for sharing best practices, cross fertilizing and building new relationships with other thought leaders.
You could deduct 100% of your certification investment when enrolling in the Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor program, if you decide to apply for this degree within the next 12 months after your graduation as an advanced practitioner.
Special price for the Buzan Community
Following is the Mind Map depicting the main themes of the certification. You could take the certification in one month if you invest an average of 2 hours per week. You have up to one year to complete your certification.
Welcome to the Tony Buzan practitioner certification
Your certification process
The Revolutions of the Mind
What enabled the age in which we are living today?
The critical thinking skills for 2021 and beyond
What percentage of people use divergent creativity?
How the world fares in creativity skills?
What is Natural? Mental Literacy 101
The Jennifer Anniston neuron
What is your conclusion after watching the Jennifer Anniston video?
The Jennifer Anniston Neuron - conclusion
What is your prime language?
Your prime language
So, what's a Mind Map?
What's a Mind Map? Assignment explanation
What 's a Mind Map? First perspective
Tony Buzan Video 1: Reflect on his Mind Map definition
What's a Mind Map? Second perspective
Tony Buzan Video 2: Reflect on his Mind Map definition
What's a Mind Map? Third perspective
Tony Buzan Video 3: Reflect on his Mind Map definition
What's a Mind Map? Fourth perspective
Tony Buzan Video 4: Reflect on his Mind Map definition
Assignment: Mind Map of what is a Mind Map
Mind Mapping benefits
Research supporting the benefits of Mind Mapping
The most important Mind Mapping benefits for you
Mind Maps explained by their creator
Assignment: your vision as an advanced practitioner
Why did Tony Buzan invent Mind Maps?
Intro to the Mind Map Laws
Download the Mind Map laws
The Central Topic law
The Branches law
The Keywords law
One word per branch quiz
The Colors law
The Images law
The Structure law
Assignment: Your CV on a Mind Map
Mind Maps evaluation - Introduction
Rubric for scoring Mind Maps
Example: Evaluating a Mind Map with the rubric
Assignment: Evaluate the following Mind Map
Assignment: Your dream routine
Introduction to Mind Mapping applications
You need to submit the assignments for each chapter. You'll receive personalized feedback from your tutor (a Buzan expert) on your way to mastering Mind Mapping and its key applications.
If you invest 3 hours per week (on average) you'll be able to complete the certification in one month. You'll have up to one year for completing the certification and getting personalized feedback.
During our award-winning workshop you'll create your purpose, goals, strategies, and action plans for 2022 and beyond, guided by the world's number one expert in Mind Mapping, during four live online sessions (1.5 hours each).
The Advanced Practitioner certification in Mind Mapping has global validity and is taught and granted by the inventors of this methodology.
The advanced certification allows you to fully reap the benefits of Mind Mapping and its key applications such as a 300% increase in creativity fluency and a 200% increase in critical thinking and problem solving according to various scientific studies.
You'll have twelve months after you complete this certification for redeeming 100% of your investment when taking the Buzan Licensed Instructor certification.